Old Testament Book Timeline (link)
New Testament Book Timeline (link)
Selected “Tels” of Bible Stories (link)
2000 Year Church History Timeline (link)

(# in parentheses) = Bible book chapter


Bible Project: Genesis 1-11

Creation (1)
Adam & Eve (2)
The Fall (3)
Cain & Abel (4)
The Flood (6-9)
World After the Flood (9-11)
Call of Abraham (11-12)

Bible Project: Genesis 12-50

Melchizedek (13-15)
The God Who Sees Me (16)
Promise of Isaac (18)
Bargaining with God (18)
Sodom and Gomorrah (19)
She’s My Sister (20)
God Hears (21)
Trial of Abraham (22)
Beer-sheba (19, 21, 23)
Rebekah (24)
Selling the Birthright (25)
She’s My Sister II (26)
The Well Digger (26)
The Stolen Blessing (27)
Jacob’s Two Wives (28-29)
Speckled Spotted & Streaked (29-31)
Leaving Laban (31)
Two Camps (32-33)
Dinah (34-25)
Sold Into Slavery (37, 39)
Judah (38)
Joseph’s Rise to Power (39-41)
Joseph’s Family Reunion (42-46)


Bible Project: Exodus 1-18

Birth of Moses (1)
Finding a Wife (2)
Call of Moses (3-4)
Zipporah (4)
Straw for Bricks (5-7)
Pharaoh’s Plagues (7-9)
Passover (10-13)
Red Sea (13-15)
What Is It? (15-16)
The Lord My Banner (17-18)

Bible Project: Exodus 19-40

The Law (19-20, 24)
The Golden Calf (32)
The Tabernacle (33-40)


Bible Project: Leviticus

Unholy Fire (10)


Bible Project: Numbers

Unholy Fire (9-11)
Graves of the Craving (11)
Spitting in Her Face (12)
Twelve Spies (13-14)
Korah’s Rebellion (16-17)
Speak to the Rock (20-21)
Balaam’s Donkey (22)
Balaam’s Prophecy (22-25, 31)
The Death of Moses (27)


Bible Project: Deuteronomy

The Death of Moses (30-34)


Bible Project: Joshua

Rahab (1-2)
Crossing Jordan (3-4)
Jericho (5-6)
Achan (7-8)
Sun Standing Still (9-10)
Joshua’s Farewell (14, 23, 24)


Bible Project: Judges

Othniel & Ehud (2-3)
Deborah & Barak (4-5)
Gideon’s Fleece (6)
Three Hundred Men (7-8)
King of Trees (9)
Jephthah’s Vow (10-11)
The Birth of Samson (13)
Strong & Sweet (14)
Foxes and a Jawbone (15)
Samson & Delilah (16)
Grandson of Moses (17-18)
Prelude to War(19)
Brides for Benjamin (20-21)


Bible Project: Ruth

Ruth & Naomi (1-2)
Ruth & Boaz (3-4)

1 Samuel

Bible Project: 1 Samuel

Call of Samuel (1-3)
Ark of God Captured (4)
Ark of God Returned (5-6)
Ebenezer (7-8)
Saul Made King (9-10)
Peace for an Eye (11)
Failing the Test (13)
Jonathan’s Victory (14)
Saul’s Disobedience (15)
Anointing David (16)
Goliath (17)
David Earns a Wife (19)
Protecting David (19)
Three Arrows (20)
Running from Saul (21-22)
Sparing Saul’s Life (26-27)
Abigail (25)
Sparing God’s Anointed (26-27)
The Witch of Endor (28)
Staying by the Stuff (29-30)
Death of Saul & Jonathan (31)

2 Samuel

Bible Project: 2 Samuel

Joab & Abner (2)
David Made King (2-4)
David’s Mighty Men (5)
Moving the Ark (6)
Building an Empire (7-8)
Ammonites (10)
Bathsheba (11)
Nathan’s Story (12)
Tamar (13)
Absalom’s Return (14)
Absalom’s Revolt (15-17)
Running to the King (17)
Absalom’s Defeat (18)
David’s Kingdom Restored (19)
Wise Woman of Abel (20)
Ethnic Cleansing (21)
Numbering the People (24)

1 Kings

Bible Project:1 & 2 Kings

Transfer of Power (1)
Death of David & Joab (2)
Wisdom of Solomon (3-4)
Building the Temple (5-9)
Queen of Sheba (10-11)
The Kingdom Divided (11-12)
Jeroboam’s Sin (12-13)
The Old Prophet (13)
Rehoboam & Jeroboam (14)
Abijah & Asa (15)
Elijah and the Widow (17)
Elijah on Mount Carmel (18)
Elijah on Mt Horeb (19)
The Wounded Prophet (20)
Naboth’s Vineyard (21)
Jehoshaphat & Ahab (22)
Jehoshaphat’s Victory

2 Kings

Captain of 50 (1)
Elijah in the Whirlwind (2)
Ditches of Water (3)
Oil, Stew, Bread, and an Ax (4, 6)
Shunammite Woman (4)
Naaman (5)
Gehazi (5)
Blind Soldiers (6)
Four Lepers (6-7)
Elisha Crying (8)
Jehu (9)
Jezebel (9-10)
Athaliah (11)
Joash (12)
Death of Elisha (13)
Thistle & the Cedar (14)
Uzziah (15)
Ahaz (16)
Israel in Captivity (17)
Hezekiah (18)

King of Assyria (18-19)
Fifteen Years (20)
Evil King Who Repented (21)
A Book is Found (22)
Josiah’s Reforms (23)
Broken Pot (23)
Burning the Book (24)
Two Baskets of Figs (24)
Jerusalem Under Siege (24)
A Well of Mud (25)
Going to Egypt (25)

1 Chronicles

Bible Project: Chronicles

Death of Saul & Jonathan (10)
David Made King (11)
David’s Mighty Men (11)
Moving the Ark (13, 15-17)
Building an Empire (17-18)
Ammonites (19-20)
Numbering the People (21)

2 Chronicles

Wisdom of Solomon (1)
Building the Temple (2-7)
Queen of Sheba (9)
The Kingdom Divided (10)
Rehoboam & Jeroboam (12)
Abijah & Asa (13-16)
Jehoshaphat & Ahab (17-18)
Jehoshaphat’s Victory (19-20)
Athaliah (21-23)
Joash (24)
Thistle & the Cedar (25)
Uzziah (26-27)
Ahaz (28)
Hezekiah (29-31)
King of Assyria (32)
Fifteen Years (32)
Evil King Who Repented (33)
A Book is Found (34)
Josiah’s Reforms (34-35)
Broken Pot (36)
Burning the Book (36)
Two Baskets of Figs (36)
Jerusalem Under Siege (36)
A Well of Mud (36)


Bible Project: Ezra/Nehemiah

Rebuilding the Temple (1-6)
Ezra (7-10)


Rebuilding the Walls (1-13)


Bible Project: Esther

Esther Becomes Queen (1-5)
Esther Saves Her People (5-10)


Bible Project: Job

Job’s three Friends (1-42)


Bible Project: Psalms

Nathan’s Story (51)

Bible Project: Proverbs
 Song of Songs
Isaiah 1-39 Isaiah 40-66


Bible Project: Jeremiah

Broken Pot (1, 18-20)
Two Baskets of Figs (24)
Burning the Book (26, 36)
Jerusalem Under Siege (37)
A Well of Mud (38-40)
Going to Egypt (40-44)

Bible Project: Lamentations


Bible Project: Ezekiel 1-33
Ezekiel 34-48

Valley of Dry Bones (37)


Bible Project: Daniel

Daniel’s Decision (1)
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream ( 2)
Furnace Full of Fire (3)
Becoming a Wild Animal (4)
Handwriting on the Wall (5, 9)
Den of Lions (6)


Bible Project:Hosea

Gomer (1-2)

Bible Project:Joel
Amos Obadiah


Bible Project:Jonah

Jonah & the Fish (1-2)
Jonah & the Vine (3-4)

Bible Project:Micah Nahum
Habakkuk Zephaniah


Bible Project: Haggai

Rebuilding the Temple (1-2)

Bible Project:Zechariah


Bible Project: Matthew 1-13

The Birth of Jesus (1)
Gifts for the King (2)
Baptism and Temptation(3-4)
Rejected in Nazareth (4, 13)
Sermon on the Mount (5-7)
Fishing for People (8)
Forgiving Sins (9)
Calling the Twelve (10, 12)
Four Soils (13)
Teaching with Stories (14)

Bible Project: Matthew 14-28

Meal & A Walk (15)
Bread of Life (15)
Feeding 4,000 (15-16)
Transfiguration (17)
Paying Temple Tax (17)
Sheep, Coin, & Son (18)
Seventy Times Seven (18)
The Great, Rich, & Poor (20)
Triumphal Entry (21)
The Last Supper (26)
Gethsemane (27)
Trial Before Jews (27)
Trial Before Romans (27)
Crucifixion (27)
Resurrection (27-28)
Commission and Ascension (28)


Bible Project: Mark

Baptism and Temptation (1)
Fishing for People (1)
Forgiving Sins (2)
Calling the Twelve (3)
Four Soils (4)
Calming Two Storms (4-5)
Twelve Years (5)
John Beheaded (6)
Bread of Life (7)
Feeding 4,000 (8)
Transfiguration (9)
Paying Temple Tax (9)
The Great, Rich, & Poor (10)
Triumphal Entry (11)
Last Week of Ministry (11-12)
The Last Supper (14)
Gethsemane (14)
Trial Before Jews (14)
Trial Before Romans (15)
Crucifixion (15)
Resurrection (16)


Bible Project: Luke

Gabriel’s Announcements (1)
The Birth of Jesus (2)
Baptism and Temptation (2)
Rejected in Nazareth (4)
Fishing for People (4-5)
Calling the Twelve (6)
Sermon on the Mount (6)
A Roman and a Funeral (7)
Forgiven and Grateful (7)
Calming Two Storms (8)
Twelve Years (8)
John Beheaded (9)
Transfiguration (9)
Paying Temple Tax (9)
Good Samaritan (10)
A Large Banquet (14)
Sheep, Coin, & Son (15)
Rich Man and Lazarus (16)
Lepers, Judge, & Pride (17-18)
Rich Young Ruler (18)
The Great, Rich, & Poor (19)
Triumphal Entry (19)
The Last Supper (22)
Gethsemane (22)
Trial Before Jews (22)
Trial Before Romans (23)
Crucifixion (23)
Resurrection (24)
Road to Emmaus (24)
Commission and Ascension (24)


Bible Project: John 1-12

Baptism and Temptation (1)
Water to Wine (1-2)
New Birth (2-3)
Woman at the Well (4)
Rejected in Nazareth (4)
Pool of Bethesda (5)
Meal & A Walk (6)
Bread of Life (6)
Caught in Immorality (7-8)
Man Born Blind (9)
Raising Lazarus (11-12)
Triumphal Entry (12)

Bible Project: John 13-21

The Last Supper (13)
Gethsemane (18)
Trial Before Jews (18)
Trial Before Romans (18-19)
Crucifixion (19)
Resurrection (20)
Winning Back Two Disciples (20-21)


Bible Project: Acts 1-12

Commission and Ascension (1)
Coming of the Holy Spirit (2)
Crippled Man Healed (3-4)
Ananias & Sapphira (4-5)
Apostles & Deacons (5-6)
First Christian Martyr (6-7)
Ministry of Philip (8)
Conversion of Saul (9)
Healing of Dorcas(9)
Cornelius, First Gentile (10-11)
Christians at Antioch (11)
Jail Break (12)

Bible Project: Acts 13-28

First Missionary Journey (13)
From Worship to Stoning (14)
Keeping Jewish Laws (15)
Singing in Jail (16)
Riots and Laughter (17)
Mob in Corinth (18)
Riot at Ephesus (19)
Going to Jerusalem (20-21)
Riot in Jerusalem (21-22)
Plot to Kill (22-23)
Felix, Festus, & Agrippa (24-26)
Storm at Sea (27)
Shipwreck & Rome (28)


Bible Project: Romans 1-4

Life without Christ – Romans (a) (1-7)

Bible Project: Romans 5-16

Life with Christ – Romans (b) (8-16)

1 Corinthians

Bible Project: 1 Corinthians

Church Fights – 1 Corinthians (a) (1-7)
Spiritual Gifts – 2 Corinthians (b) (8-16)

2 Corinthians

Bible Project: 2 Corinthians

The Worries of Love – 2 Corinthians (a) (1-7)
The Joys of Giving – 2 Corinthians (b) (8-16)


Bible Project: Galatians

Freedom to Serve – Galatians (1-6)


Ephesians as Story (On location)

Ephesians as Story (AI narration)

Bible Project: Ephesians


Bible Project: Philippians Colossians

1 Thessalonians

Bible Project: 1 Thessalonians

Trials & Persecution – 1 Thessalonians (1-5)

2 Thessalonians

Bible Project: 2 Thessalonians

Day of the Lord – 2 Thessalonians (1-3)

Bible Project: 1 Timothy
2 Timothy


Onesimus – Philemon (1)

Bible Project: HebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter
1-3 JohnJude


Bible Project: Revelation 1-11

John’s Visions (1, 4, 5)

Bible Project: Revelation 12-22

New Heaven & Earth (21)
New Jerusalem (22)